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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Macroeconomics of Financial Markets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Macroeconomics of Financial Markets - Assignment Example Outside organizations that might want to buy merchandise in the US need to change over the monetary forms they have into US dollars. Notwithstanding, a rising dollar makes the remote organizations to utilize quite a bit of their monetary forms to get a unit of US dollar. Subsequently, the remote organizations will utilize more US dollars to acquire an item in the US. This implies organizations in the US that send out merchandise and enterprises will favor a rising dollar. As the dollar rises, they acquire higher sums for the merchandise that they send out. This would be the equivalent for an European traveler who goes to the US to visit the Grand Canyon. The vacationer should change the European pounds that the person in question has for US dollars. In any case, on the off chance that the dollar is rising, it implies that the estimation of the dollar is declining. In this way, one unit of European pound will bring more units of US dollar (Thomas, 2006). Thusly, the European vacatione r will acquire more units of US dollars. The individual will have the option to get to more items and administrations when the person in question arrives at the United States. Question Two The Fed can utilize different strategies to make cash. Making of cash alludes to the techniques that the Fed uses to deal with the amount of cash that is available for use in the economy. One of the techniques is through open market activities. This alludes to buy and offer of United States’ government bonds (Ritter, Silber, and Udell, 2004). The Fed can purchase government bonds from general society. This builds the measure of cash available for use in the United States. As the legislature purchases securities, it discharges cash into the economy. Then again, on the off chance that the Fed needs to diminish the measure of cash in the economy, it can sell government bonds to general society (Mishkin, 2010). The offer of government securities makes the Fed take cash from general society and offers the open bonds. Thusly, the measure of cash available for use diminishes. The Fed can utilize business banks’ hold prerequisites to impact the measure of cash available for use (Burton, Brown, and Burton, 2009). Business banks must hold a given extent of the stores they get. Accordingly, business banks can't loan all the cash kept in their records. An expansion for possible later use proportion implies that business banks will diminish the measure of cash that they loan to people in general. This diminishes the measure of cash available for use. Then again, a decline for possible later use proportion prerequisite implies that business banks can loan more cash to the clients. Along these lines, the measure of cash available for use increments. The Fed can likewise impact the measure of cash available for use through the markdown window (Thomas, 2006). Business banks normally obtain cash from the Fed since it is the loan specialist of the final hotel. The Fed generally c harges a premium at whatever point business banks acquire cash. The Fed can build the loan fee it charges to the business banks to diminish the measure of cash available for use. On the other hand, it can diminish the loan cost to expand the measure of cash available for use. At long last, the Fed can make suggestions to the treasury with the goal that cash gracefully can be expanded through printing (Ritter, Silber, and Udell, 2004). The Fed doesn't straightforwardly control cash through printing or stamping. The treasury prints notes and mints coins. This strategy can be utilized to coordinate the amount of cash in the economy. The most impressive technique is the open market activity. Be that as it may, the most usually utilized technique is the markdown window or rate. It empowers slow decrease or increment in cash in
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Argument of Plato's Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Argument of Plato's Republic - Essay Example Would he despite everything decide to come clean with just to an individual in such a state? As indicated by Socrates, hence, saying reality and retuning what one has gotten don't meet all requirements to be equity. All things considered, truth telling and giving back isn't equity. Polemarchus, acquiring the contention from Cephalous proceeded to give his comprehension of equity. As indicated by Polemarchus, equity implies offering favor to companions and abusing foes. That is, it is the thing that renders great to companions when he is acceptable and damages to foes when he is awful. Socrates repudiates his depiction based on what conditions should the simply man can profit by companions and get detestable from foes. As per him, Polemarchus alludes to equity as a sort of taking to profit companions and mischief adversaries. It is simply to wrong the out of line. Separating among companions and foes gets troublesome, hence. Numerous individuals who appear to be acceptable as a rule a re most certainly not. Socrates gives a case of one who is gifted to give a blow as the one generally mindful to make sure about a watchman from a blow. Polemarchus concedes the contention saying he didn't have the foggiest idea what he implied. He despite everything accepts, however, that equity benefits companions and mischief foes. Thrasymachus then came into the discussion. As indicated by him, the simply is the benefit of the more grounded. He brings up different systems of rule, for example, despots, majority rule government rules, and gentry. As indicated by him, the decision party defines the objectives and laws. Equity, thusly, is the bit of leeway acquired by the decision party.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Mario Testino
Mario Testino Mario Testino Home›Informative Posts›Mario Testino Informative PostsMario Testino is a famous photographer whose family resided in Peru where he was born on 30th October 1954. They lived in the middle social class and he was the first born in a family that consisted of eleven siblings. His father was Italian and his mother was Irish. His ambition was to be a priest. Before deciding to pursue a career in photography, his interest was fashion though he lacked the talent to draw and design the different kinds of fashion. He was enrolled in five different universities before his father who was a businessman assisted him on settling on a career in photography (Dean Gallery, 2007).When he was 22 years, he moved to London in 1976 to study a career in photography where he started selling photos to people who aspired to be models together with human hairs and other make-up products. Mario lived in a deserted flat meant to be a hospital and the floor was rough since the constructors had n ot completed the building. He did not have much money and sometimes did not eat and would walk to work since the buses demanded for fare. His optimistic nature of living gave him the strength to move on and have a hope that the following day, he would be employed somewhere. Therefore he worked as a waiter to meet his primary needs and often took pictures of his workmates.Photography for Mario allowed him to get into a related field to fashion. He adopted the trademark Peruvian since he deals with great clients and celebrity personnel. He had his personal style and magazines that dealt with top fashion started offering him jobs all over the world. In 1997, he took a photo of Princess Diana who was the cover model of Vogue magazine. This made him an icon. He later took photos of celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Madonna and Kate Moss. He still works with Princess Diana’s sons, Princess Harry and William.Mario has fashion designer clients like Burberry, Mich ael Kors, Versace, Gabbana and also Dolce Gabbana. Mario said on Fashion Influential Magazine (2008) that “work is his life and so long as the person he is taking photos of are interesting, he enjoys doing it. He makes the person more important than the whole concept, reason and lighting involved.†In 1999, Mario published his photography book called, “Any Objections?†that contained many images of his past work. In 2003 he also wrote another book called “Portraits†alongside an exhibition called The National Portrait Gallery. In 2005, he gathered all his works with Princess Diana and opened at a palace in Kensington town.On an interview with CNN entertainment in 2007, Mario said that,†other than fashion photography, he also enjoys journalism because in taking pictures at the particular moment that a certain event occurs, one is able to document the event and happenings exactly the way they are. He describes it as “writing with light†because looking at them see ms like no energy was used.â€His style of lighting is hard for many photographers but in real sense it is simple. Most of the lighting comes from the backlight and also incorporates the shadow. Lighting is his secret to good pictures and this works out in bringing glamorous and very beautiful objects. He loves his work and has always insisted that he is in photography for an indefinite number of years.The preference of Mario to produce coloured pictures is because his main objective is to create an impact on the meaning that was intended. Black and white would not bring out the emotions that the observer is supposed to get. According to Jayne Arundale (2010), Mario says that the different shades give a deeper depth of the images he produces. Black and white would require much more knowledge in Photoshop to look brighter and good since he uses colored photos and to convert them to black and white is easier as one gets a clearer picture of the real thing.Mario’s outstanding work ha s won him several awards and various recognitions. For instance, he won the Rodeo Drive of Style award. He has run several charities and this has made him to be recognized. One of his brothers died of cancer at the age of ten and he decided to become an ambassador of Save the Children. In 2007, he constructed a clinic that would help children who were affected by an earthquake in his home place, Lima. The charities have enabled him feel that his ambition of being a priest still is there since he does that from deep down his heart as if it’s an obligation he ought to do.Jo Craven (2008) says that many people love his work because his pictures are always on poses that are sophisticated showing what is really there. Mario produces images in a way that will not reflect sadness, fights or conflict and also nervousness in the models. Celebrity photos are mainly when they are from evening parties and therefore jewelleries and fancy evening dresses makes the photos brighter. Backgrounds of a wall or furniture like a couch are used to bring out more from the models in the photo. This enables people view the celebrity or model as an individual without the celebrity aspect.My favorite images are of Princess Diana that was done on March 1997 before her death. These images have since been displayed in an exhibition later in 2005 at Kensington Palace. They were meant for Vanity Fair that was on a month before her death in August. The images bring out the woman she was in a very relaxed manner on the sofa with smiles and a feeling of love and intimacy. Previously, no one had seen her as a confident princess but in the photos, they show her as a bold lady behind the smiles. One can read about who she was from the photos as they are displayed. Mario has developed the display in a fashionable manner bringing out different emotions. They bring out the Princess she was not only as Princess of Wales but of the whole world.British Vogue Magazine (2010) reveals that Kate Moss and Mario Testino have had a rather closer relationship and have known her for over twenty years. They have worked together to bring out a high stylistic level in the fashion industry therefore viewed as the leaders. According to Mario, they met for the first time after Kate participated in a show at a Galliano where he went to congratulate her for the good work she had done at the backstage. He encouraged her since she was disappointed and was crying for since the show she had modeled one dress only.According to Alicia (2008), Mario and Kate started a strong friendship between them as he assured her of lifelong success in the future since she had the potential. He used the example of a perfume whose drop does not stay for a short while but lasts for a whole night. Her inner confidence grew and believed and today she is a glamorous model. Kate recognizes that her self esteem as a sexy model was drawn out by the recognition by Mario. She has appeared on so many covers of various maga zines and this led to the idea of writing a book together which was launched on 23rd July 2010.Since they started working together, Kate was only fourteen years and today, she is celebrated as the best model and many young aspiring models look up to her as a mentor. In 1996, she won an award as model of the year that was sponsored by Vogue Magazine. Her life as a model has not been smooth as in 2005 she was captured in the Daily Mirror supposedly being accused of being involved in drugs. The newspaper claimed that she was taking cocaine and this made so many of the campaigns she was involved in desert her as their model since this would be a bad image to the public. Burberry, Chanel and HM that belonged to one of her closest friends denied her any further contracts. Mario denied the fact that she used drugs.Mario brought out another image of her in an exhibition in 2010 after she won the British award as the model of the year in 2006. The exhibition, “Kate Who?†is a full expl oration of who she is and her life since they met. Among all the collection of photos with Mario, 1500 copies are the ones that appear in the book. They have been packaged after being signed by the designer.Mario is and will remain to be a great photographer. He has a personality of making one change the negative view that they may have about themselves. Using his magic of taking the images and making them look glamorous, he is an icon and a mentor to many aspiring photographers.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Issue Of Sexism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 469 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Sexism Essay Did you like this example? Whether one takes pleasure in sports or not, hundreds, thousands and even millions of people are brought together by sporting events. Sports broadcasters are play-by-play announcers for sports networks or for a specific team. Several duties that sports broadcasters are accounted for are presenting news, calling games, and interviewing players. But does having a great voice and exciting catchphrases, all it takes to have a successful journey? The business is all about telling stories, so why does it matter if women sportscasters are attractive in order to get the job? Plenty of sports have judges but the darker aspect of sports where judging goes too far and is not acceptable is judging women sports broadcaster. In the world of sports, they are typically seen as eye candy. ESPN Radio host and SportsCenter Reporter, Sarah Spain, host a bunch of female sports reporters to discuss the objectification of women as it relates to sexism and more. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Issue Of Sexism" essay for you Create order Meanwhile, a man is judged by his knowledge of sports while women are judged on their looks and fashion sense. Often male sports fan resort to threatening comments on women Facebook, Twitter, and even on comment sections on blogs where they disagree with an opinion from the sports reporters. A major segment on the Podcast was clothing. Women sports reporters deal with the decision on what to wear to work on a daily bases. This was not a surprising issue because I believe women get judge on their bodies every second of the day by men and even by females. For instance, you could be walking to the train station all covered up and a man would turn around to stare at your butt, or if your makeup or hair is not on point another female would make comments instead of helping. As a woman, you cannot control how you are seen to the public and it is uncomfortable being sexualized when you are not seeking that kind of attention. This one Australian newscaster wore the same suit every single day for a year and received no comments, while women have to figure out what to wear that wont reveal as distracting. The number one problem is that women are bombarded with starring and comments directed towards the amount of cleavage they are showing. At this point, it is a struggle to figure out how to dress in a way that is both professional, appropriate and attractive for television. Furthermore, SportsCenter anchor Elle Duncan explains that she became so incredibly uncomfortable that she asked to stop doing on cam leads. Words are hurtful and people are downgrading women on their jobs when they should just be valued on their knowledge and passion for the sport. One speaker who spoke out was Rebecca Haarlow. She was criticized for having a single eyelash out of place.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Principles of Information Security, 4th Ed. - Michael E....
Licensed to: CengageBrain User Licensed to: CengageBrain User Principles of Information Security, Fourth Edition Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord Vice President Editorial, Career Education Training Solutions: Dave Garza Director of Learning Solutions: Matthew Kane Executive Editor: Steve Helba Managing Editor: Marah Bellegarde Product Manager: Natalie Pashoukos Development Editor: Lynne Raughley Editorial Assistant: Jennifer Wheaton Vice President Marketing, Career Education Training Solutions: Jennifer Ann Baker Marketing Director: Deborah S. Yarnell Senior Marketing Manager: Erin Coffin Associate Marketing Manager: Shanna Gibbs Production Manager: Andrew Crouth Content Project Manager: Brooke Greenhouse Senior Art†¦show more content†¦Hope we can figure out what’s going on this time.†â€Å"We’ll try, Bob. Tell me about it.†â€Å"Well, my PC is acting weird,†Bob said. â€Å"When I go to the screen that has my e-mail program running, it doesn’t respond to the mouse or the keyboard .†â€Å"Did you try a reboot yet?†1 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Licensed to: CengageBrain User 2 Chapter 1 â€Å"Sure did. But the window wouldn’t close, and I had to turn it off. After it restarted, I opened the e-mail program, and it’s just like it was beforeâ€â€no response at all. The other stuff is working OK, but really, really slowly. Even my Internet browser is sluggish.†â€Å"OK, Bob. We’ve tried the usual stuff we can do over the phone. Let me open a case, and I’ll dispatch a tech over as soon as possible.†Amy looked up at the LED tally board on the wall at the end of the room. She saw that there were only two technicians dispatched to deskside support at the moment, and since it was the day shift, there were four available. â€Å"Shouldn’t be long at all, Bob.†She hung up and typed her notesShow MoreRelatedFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagessmarter save money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started Student support from
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Glass Steagall And The Financial Crisis - 1565 Words
Glass-Steagall and the Financial Crisis In May 2012 JP Morgan Chase and Co. stated to the public a 2 billion dollar trading loss, although evidence shows that the loss was far greater. A trader out of the London branch of JP Morgan and Chase Co., Bruno Iksil, dubbed â€Å"London Whale,†had been accruing a huge bet on U.S. corporate bonds based on a flawed derivative or algorithm. He was so confident in his bet that he sold his Credit Default Swaps (CDS), based on his hunch, which is similar to insurance on your bonds if they default. Rival traders bought them, betting against Iksil. The loss was gigantic. Similarly, prior to the great depression, banks were making large unsafe bets which caused the stock market to eventually crash causing†¦show more content†¦The Glass-Steagall Act was specifically fabricated to prevent the type of close interaction between commercial and investment banks that preceded that imminent crash during the late 1920’s. Commercial b anks are banks that accept deposits, secure loans and are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation (FDIC). Investment banks, on the other hand, make riskier speculative bets. They invest in stocks, bonds and engage in a variety of speculative deals with their money. With investment and commercial banks being in such close quarters, the deposits in the commercial banks can potentially be used for speculative activities because of the investment banks’ influence. Glass-Steagall provided separation with three main goals: (1) prohibit commercial banks from owning securities brokerage firms (2) establish a temporary insurance program under the federal reserve (3) prohibit paying interest on commercial checking accounts and put maximum interest rate values on savings accounts. In July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act came into effect by identifying large financial firms that are intertwined with the rest of the financial systems and in creasing regulations on them to try and prevent failure and possible bailouts. Roy C. Smith, author of The Dilemma of bailouts, states, â€Å"The legislative process soon became
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Human Resource Management Initiative
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Human Resource Management Initiative. Answer: Introduction: The current market competition has forced the organisations to employ the skilled workforce so that the future organisational challenges can be met in a flexible way. However, the majority of the contemporary groups fails to increase the knowledge base of the skilled workers as much as required for achieving future sustainability (Paauwe, 2009). The lack of adequate training and development program has become a significant human resource management (HRM) issue for the organisations. Considering the fact, the current study aims to describe the brief of the firm Woolworths Limited and its HRM issues. Additionally, the researcher has given a detailed description of the problems, and adequate justification has been made on the need of improving the issues. Finally, the current practices of the firm with industry best practices have been conducted, based upon which, a set of recommendations has been provided to mitigate the current HRM issues of the business. Description of the firm and the HRM issues: Woolworths Limited is an Australian retail company which serves customers across the global platform (Lim et al. 2016). The companys primary retail division is the supermarket stores. Since its foundation, the company has made an employee strength of more than 2 million across the globe. However, it has been identified that the corporation is experiencing major issues in the HRM functions such as recruitment of skilled labour and the training development activity of those resources. Supporting to this fact, Lall and Zaidi (2008) stated that worldwide retail industry is experiencing severe skill shortages, especially in the customer handling and communication parameters. Furthermore, Noe et al. (2012) mentioned that the lack of training and development activity fail to reveal the diversity and complexity of the workforce and its associated benefits as well. The firm is experiencing the major HRM issues in the context of the higher employee attrition rate. This is due to matters in job description, rotation shifts, poor work life balances, lack of clarity in the training development and career opportunities. Considering the fact, Prytz and Scerbo (2015) stated that excessive workload and lack of work life balance reduces the motivation of the retail employees. Among these issues, training and development issues are mostly affecting the efficiency of the existing workforce. The workers are not experiencing adequate training as per the changing job requirements. As a consequence, the firm fails to meet the organisational goals. This is due to the lack of focus on the personal development plan of the employees. Also, it has been identified that in the year 2013, Woolworths invested $32.2 million for its learning and development parameter (, 2016). However, the execution of the development plan has been found less er than the corporate training activity. It resulted from significant failure in satisfying the global customers based upon complexity and variety in nature. Considering the fact, the current study attempts to analyse the training and development issues of Woolworths that is affecting the overall performance of the firm in its global operation. Analysing the current HRM issue of Woolworths Limited: Although Woolworths Limited attempts to formalise the existing knowledge of the employees for meeting higher business goals, it has been given below rates based upon the employee development plan. In this context, Chan (2013) stated that the training collaboration with TAFE had enabled the firm, ensuring natural knowledge management approach relevant to the operational model of the company. On the contrary, the job roles and the confidence among the employees are given lesser priority as compared to the other organisation. The past employee review also states that the firm lacks from cross-cultural training and warehouse management training (Hutchings, and De Cieri, 2007). Due to this, the majority of the trades assistant of the Brisbane, Queensland Brand fails to manage diversified customer requirements. Thus, evaluating the current HRM practices of the Woolworths, the current HRM issues can be segregated as follows: The lack of self-learning scope for the employees Poor prioritisation of cross cultural training program for the development of communication skills Lack of nonverbal communication program creates communication issues with the cross culturally diversified workforce and the customers as well. Issues with the cash handing training program and the changing methods of stock control. The employees state that increase use of IT is not at par with the current training and development program of Woolworths. Detailed descriptions of the training and development issue: Lack of self-learning and health and safety training: The budget formulated for the HR training and development program does not include a self-learning process for the employees. Although more than 660,000 courses had been undertaken by the employees across 845 courses, there is a lack of alignment between actual need with the class module (, 2016). On the contrary, McGrath-Champ et al. (2011) argued and stated that Woolworths encourages networking for the employees to drive the employee performance. However, Chan (2013) also criticised the view and indicated that the mentoring for employee development is based upon the future management and leadership roles. This lacks from the employee own developmental choices. Additionally, the lack of health safety training has also generated significant health and security issues among the workers operating in the retail floors. A lesser degree of cross cultural training: The sustainability report of Woolworths Limited indicates that the majority of the investment is made in the training and development for building future leaders and managers of each supermarket store. It has been evaluated that the functional training employed by Woolworths has successfully improved the employee knowledge regarding the team building approaches and meeting the organisational goals(, 2016). On the other hand, the lack of cross-cultural training program, creating misunderstanding with the diversified workforce as well. Eventually, the reduced trust among the workers is failing to meet the customer satisfaction ratio. Thus, the overall brand performance gets reduced. Cash handing and stock control training program issue: The need of developing training programs in the new areas such as store security, quick cash handling mechanism, and stock control program has emerged in the global retail sector. It has been identified that increased use of IT has changed the mechanism of a point of sales entry system. The employee review also indicates that more than 20% employee lack of reading spreadsheets. From the website (2016), it has been identified that a majority of the employees is facing cash handling issues and stock control training program. Eventually, the overall job performance, reduces, which significantly impact on the overall growth of the firm. Lack of nonverbal and diversified training to cope up with the changing demands: The lack of non-verbal communication training has failed to enable employees to maintain the non-verbal communication strategy with the customers and diversified workforce. Also, the lack of IT training across all hierarchical levels fails to meet the changing demands of the firm in its international business operation (Donnelly, 2009). The finance report published by Rebecca Hyam and Thuy Ong on 26th February 2016 indicates that Woolworths says almost $1 billion loss in the half year results (, 2016). The in-depth analysis suggests that the lack of overall operational goal and training development program have generated demotivation, which again created mass employee turnovers. Eventually, the firm failed to meet the projected business value in the last financial quarter (Cadman, 2013). Need of improving the issue: Analysing the current scenario of Woolworths, it can be stated that employees are more concerned regarding the job specifications as the more than 65% training module covers the job-related learning program. The apprenticeship program and induction are also found satisfactory as well (, 2015). The only thing which deviates from the benchmark industry practices is the employee self-learning, training in new technological skills, and the improvement of the communication process as well. More than 40% training module needs be conducted on handing new technologies. It could increase the operational process of the firm, thereby improving the customer satisfaction ratio. Soft and generic skills need to be conducted by more than 45% to satisfy the local and international customers as per the requirements. Thus, the firm could attain greater business profitability. Self-learning program could improve the analytical and logical thought process of the employees. Thus, cope up with the future challenges could become easier for the Woolworths Limited. Case for change: Steps Name of the field Changed justification Step 1 Context The change needs to be initiated in the context of Human Resource Management in Woolworths. According to Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2014), Woolworths had emphasised on the professional efficacy, thus, needs to reformulate its training program. Step 2 Changes The employee proficiency and behaviour would change. The self confidence amongst the employees would enhance automatically, which would reflect a positively impact on the organisational productivity. Step 3 Process Involving the managers to attend the training session Reward performing employees Offerings of the personal development training Reconstructing the employees with tech based training Step 4 Benefits The change would facilitate the firm to increase the expertise of the employees. The implementation of the change process would be a smart initiative to motivate the employees to increase the commitment. Step 5 Consequences In case the employees fail to provide the acute contribution towards the firm (Katsimi, 2008). The probability of customers and employees switching rate would increase automatically. Step 6 Expectations The employees would be expected to get aligned with the organisational objectives (Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2008). Therefore, proficient and professional behaviour would be expected, which would make a positive contribution wards organisational productivity. Comparing the current practices with an industry best practice: In the framework of the current context, Lancaster and Di Milia (2014) determined that the training and development structure of Woolworths have been designed to equip the expertise of the internal employees. The training department makes use of the rigorous assessment process to recognise and develop the efficacy amongst the employees to adjust he frequency of the functional transformation. The statistics of the previous report forecast that the employees in the retail industry are demanding for the personal development training program to enhance the self-analytical skills. The above effort would not only increase the professional proficiency. Considering the opinion of Mandhanya (2015), the modern trade had been developing with a rapid speed. Therefore, the expectations of the customers and product selection preferences are getting differed with time. The sudden change demands the personal operating internally to enhance the skill set measures to match up with the external situati on. In the similar circumference, Menezes and Vieira (2008) asserted that Woolworths have been highly efficient in providing the profile based training to the employees of all the departments. However, the employees are of the opinion that the profile based training would be effective when the staffs would enable to improve the personal development skills (, 2016). The sales executives are the spokesperson of the enterprise. Therefore, the sales executives majorly receive the training to mitigate the target pressure. Conversely, the sales executives are highly necessitated to increase the self-expertise to understand the behavioural aspects of the customers of diversified culture. Hence, the foundations of the employees are not effectually strong to handle to changing preferences of the external scenario. Therefore, the management of Woolworths, Australia is highly necessitated to conduct the personal development program to remould the personal laggings to effectually deli ver the professional requirements. Moreover, with the continuation of the latter statement, Tarique (2014) inferred that the competitors like Tesco, ASDA and Aldi had identified the internal flaws of the organisation. Based on which, each of the existing as well as the new employees receive the training session from utilising the training technique to the optimum level. According to Mahdavi et al. (2014), the management of Tesco had constructively formulated the training and development plan, which includes both the personal and professional enhancement schedule of the employees. Alignment of both the perspectives in the training module had facilitated Tesco to address the expertise of the employees within short time tenure. Thus, it had helped the brand to amplify the functional requirement within a minimal expenditure. However, the marketing measures of Woolworths are highly lucrative, yet, the lack of efficacy amongst the internal employees had been the major constraints of the enterprise. The marketing efforts hav e been standardised with the support of the PR experts, which encourage a huge base of prospective customers towards Woolworths products. However, the lacks of confidence amongst the internal employees are creating hindrance towards the organisational depicted revenue figure. In the similar background, Mandhanya (2015) determined that the employees of Woolworths are unable to match up the time fluctuation. The management had been experimenting with a different functional process to enhance the revenue margin. Conversely, the employees have already got accustomed to the certain organisational culture, whereas, a sudden change in the overall process is enforcing the employees to handle the job responsibilities in a different process. Consequently, due to the lack of training facilities, the employees of Woolworths are failing to adapt the changing criterions, due to which the outcomes of the delivered result gets negative. The lack of efficacies is enforcing the employees to invest huge tenure of time to redo the existing work. Recommendations for improving the changes in training and development activity: The recommendations have discussed below: Involving the managers to attend the training session According to Pierce and Maurer (2009), it is highly essential to involve the departmental managers into the training session. The managers are majorly responsible for the job allocation process. Therefore, the concerned persons are necessitated to understand the potency as well as the individual laggings of the employees. The new employees of Woolworths require the personal guidance of the managers concerning the work profile (, 2016). Therefore, the training module needs to include the managerial training techniques, which would enact be a guiding initiatives for the managers to provide the corrective guidance to its subordinates. Reward performing employees The newly trained employees get back to the workstations with increased confidence, renewed enthusiasm and high levels of competency. However, Mandhanya (2015) claimed that with a passing phase of time, the employees fail to apply the similar level of dedication towards the work profile. The specific action occurs due to the lack of permanent motivation. Therefore, the trainers of Woolworths need to have the permission of discussing the reward facilities with the employees. In the training classes, the employees remain in a relaxed mood, which increases the scope of conducting an interactive session (, 2016). Thus, the reward facility discussion in the training session would be a smart policy to imbibe the reward criteria and its benefits amongst the staffs. Offerings of the personal development training In the framework of the existing context, Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2014) denoted that the personal growth training automatically enhances the foundation of the employees. The particular approach would facilitate the employees to rebuild the individual expertise, which would be a smart initiative to emphasise on the professional development. The majority of Woolworths employees have to undergo the cross-cultural training as well. Consequently, the employees have failed to understand the sentiment and the professional expectations of the employees of diversified cultures. Therefore, the cultural gap in the similar enterprise had been the primary constraints that prevent the firm attaining the depicted profit margin. Reconstructing the employees with tech-based training The technical process is no more limited to the IT department of a firm. Indifferent organisations are converting the manual operating modules to the ERP process to track on the vast amount of database. However, the employees I n Woolworths had experienced a huge challenge to convert the operational process into the ERP system (, 2016). Hence, the employees require the training in the technological genre to implement the technical understandings. Conclusion: The study emphasises on human resource management issues the enterprises are experiencing in the Australian market. To understand the HRM scenario of the Australian retail market, the study had evaluated in the HRM function of Woolworths. 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